Commodity extract belongs to the group of specialist handling equipment. They are subject to the Transport Technical Supervision. The equipment is used to move both people and loads within a limited range, vertically, horizontally and at an angle.

The group of these devices, include:  

  • railway cranes, 
  • cranes on railway vehicles,  
  • floating and deck cranes,  
  • ship lifts,  
  • jacks for lifting railway vehicles,  
  • platforms on railway vehicles,  
  • track laying machines,  
  • pulling machines for moving wagons on the tracks.  

How does the freight lift work?  

goods lifts in operation

The goods lift is a platform that slides on a ladder-like mast attached to the chassis. It is lowered towards the roof of the building. With this platform, any building materials can be easily transported to higher levels. 

All goods lifts are subject to technical supervision, but there is a different form of supervision - so-called simplified supervision - for those devices that lift up to 250 kg and are not designed to move people. These devices do not have to be notified to the Technical Inspection Authority and have the required tests, but they do have to be provided with maintenance and operators at the highest level.  

What is the procedure for new equipment?  

  • In order for a piece of equipment to be covered by technical supervision, it must be notified to the relevant local branch of the Office of Technical Inspection. 
  • The application should be accompanied by two sets of registration documentation in Polish. The scope of the documentation should be in accordance with the relevant regulations. 
  • Once the documentation has been verified by the inspector of the technical inspection authority, a date and place for the technical inspection is agreed. Registration activities are only carried out when the equipment is brand new. In other cases, an acceptance test is sufficient.  

If the result of the test is positive, the UDT inspector issues a special test protocol and a decision that authorises operation.  

What is the procedure for pre-registered devices? 

  • A written application for renewed technical supervision of the equipment must be submitted and addressed to the locally competent branch of the Technical Inspection Authority. 
  • If the equipment has previously been registered with another branch of the UDT, a photocopy of the last protocol and decision should be attached without the need to submit two sets of registration documentation.  
  • Once the documentation has been verified, a date and place for the technical tests are agreed and requirements are given on how to prepare the equipment for inspection in accordance with the conditions required by the UDT.  
trainees in training"

In the event of a positive test result, the rules are exactly the same as for the registration of new equipment.  

Exploitation and types of research:  

  • Ad hoc inspections - for equipment that has been placed under a form of limited supervision, within the time limits specified for the type of equipment, shall be carried out as part of the supervision of compliance with technical supervision regulations. 

The purpose of the study is to determine whether: 

- recommendations from the previous study have been implemented, 

- there is no damage or change in the condition of the appliance which affects the safety of use,  

- safety and protection equipment is working properly, - warning notices, information and instructions of all kinds are properly displayed and clearly legible,  

- the device requires corrective action. 

  • Ad hoc operational - are carried out when needed 

The study aims to:  

- confirmation that a repair or upgrade that has been carried out does not adversely affect safety during operation of the equipment  

  • Ad hoc post-accident or post-failure - this is carried out when there is a dangerous damage to the equipment or an accident.  

The study aims to:  

- determine the technical condition of the equipment and the causes of the accident or damage.  

Courses and training  

To be able to operate freight lifts you need to have completed a special course. 

The most popular course in this category would be our freight lift operator training. This qualification, which enables you to operate and maintain the equipment, definitely improves your qualifications and increases your chances of finding a job. During the training, you can increase your competence in operating stationary, mobile and portable goods lifts and ship lifts.  

goods lift on site

The training courses are taught by specialists in their field, so that all course participants have the opportunity to acquire comprehensive knowledge in both the theoretical and practical parts.  

The course concludes with a state examination, which is conducted by a special committee appointed by the Office of Technical Inspection. If the examination is completed successfully, the UDT issues a personal qualification certificate. With this, the trainee acquires the ability to operate and maintain goods hoists.