Controlling a forklift, as taught in our course, uses three main movements - there is the movement of raising and lowering the forks, then the movement of tilting the mast of the forklift towards and away from each other, and the movement of moving the carriage with the forks sideways. On some models, it is also possible to control the movement of the forks and the spacing between them, or what is known as positioning.

Forklift truck operator course teaches the correct control of the equipment and the handling of the load. On this basis, the participant can then obtain a forklift licence. One of the key elements of the training is learning how to load and unload pallets, which is what the operator's job entails.

Proper loading on forklift involves placing the load on a pallet on straight forks - these must be parallel to the surface. Once the load is in the correct position, it is then lifted to a height of about 30 centimetres, with the mast tilted towards the machine operator. The next step is to drive to the location where the load is to be placed, raise the pallet to the given height, straighten the mast and lower the forks out from under the pallet, and finally lower the forks again to the given level. Proper unloading involves performing the operations in reverse order.

When loading and unloading, it is necessary to remember at the same time the rules for the correct manoeuvring of the equipment. It is forbidden to move too fast, especially with heavy loads, which can cause the forklift to tip over and endanger the operator and the environment. The forklift course therefore also provides key information on health and safety in the operator's position.

Each forklift course teaches the correct loading and unloading of loads, both in theory and practice, which later forms part of the examination on the basis of which the following are awarded UDT qualifications necessary to work with the equipment of each type in question.

More information:

Correct control techniques


Load handling
Handling a loaded forklift


Rules of safe operation


Knowledge base for construction


on forklifts