You will get the qualifications:
UDT authorisation for maintenance of loading cranes - mobile

handling cranesERGON Personnel Training Center invites you to take advantage of our training offer for handling cranes - installation and maintenance!

Transshipment cranes are multi-purpose handling equipment (UTBs) designed to handle many types of loads. These cranes can also be mounted on vehicles, allowing loading and unloading work to be carried out anywhere.

To operate docking cranes, appropriate entitlements. Our ERGON Centre invites you to take advantage of the offer for a course on handling cranes, which conveys comprehensive information related to the installation and maintenance of this type of equipment, as well as its operation.

The course covers all key topics related to the operation, installation and maintenance of handling cranes. The theoretical and practical format of the course allows for optimum preparation for taking the UDT exam and for working as a crane operator and maintainer.

During the training sessions, the following topics are discussed: the following topics:

  • qualifications needed to work with cranes
  • basic types of handling cranes - general purpose, mobile, stationary, timber, industrial
  • Construction of the handling crane - mechanisms, drive, hydraulic control
  • control and safety equipment for docking cranes
  • assembly of handling cranes
  • measurements after installation of cranes
  • maintenance of handling cranes - crane maintenance duties
  • technical supervision of handling cranes

The study duration is 38 - 68 teaching hours, including the UDT exam.

The ERGON Centre can tailor the thematic range of lessons to individual client expectations.

You are cordially invited to make use of our training services at the ERGON Personnel Development Centre!