What are tower cranes?

What are tower cranes Cranes are equipment used to move a wide variety of materials and make construction work very easy. It is a crane that ranks among the largest working machines.

There are several types of cranes. We can divide them, for example, by type or height at which they lift the load. However, the best known and general division is the following:

  • Tower,
  • port or shipbuilding,
  • Self-propelled,
  • floating,

Tower cranes are huge working machines that we often see on all kinds of residential or industrial construction sites. We class them as construction machinery. The height of such a crane is capable of reaching up to 100 metres.

It is made up of a vertical column (tower) and a horizontal or pivoting boom. Such a machine has a huge reach and is capable of carrying heavy and large loads.

A crane (also known as a crane) can be stationary or mobile. The latter can have two types of undercarriage: rail or tracked.

The company OSO - Operator Training Centre conducts and invites you to training courses for the operator of tower cranes. After our training you will receive entitlements operator.

Our company has been on the market for 15 years and we provide services at the highest level. We invite you to our main center in Warsaw or to other branches located throughout Poland.