Industrial mountaineering is a type of work at height that has become increasingly popular in recent times. The work can be approached with passion. So-called rope techniques are used in industrial mountaineering. Industrial climbers stress that the work is not easy and not for everyone.  

Health requirements 

Industrial climber equipped with SOI

You need iron fitness, resistance to stress, no fear of heights. So you could say that in addition to physical fitness, you need mental and physical fitness. The job is for the truly passionate.  

What is the work of a mountaineer like? 

An industrial climber usually works outdoors, so is exposed to adverse weather conditions. Rope access is quite often logically and economically justified. Specialised equipment is used. Industrial climbers work in a variety of locations, e.g. painting structures, installing transmitters or carrying out maintenance work. Employees are also involved in environmental work, e.g. securing landslides or felling trees.   

Industrial climber's equipment and attire 

To work at height, you need to use the following equipment: 

  • Helmet; 
  • Weightlifting blocks; 
  • Downhill instruments; 
  • Working harness; 
  • Ropes for approach; 
  • Specialised carabiners. 
Equipment for work at height

In addition to specialised equipment, appropriate clothing is also important. Industrial climbers use thermo-active materials to ensure thermal comfort. Waterproof overalls may also be necessary. This is because everything depends on the weather conditions. The entrepreneur contracting work at height must also take care of various protective equipment, such as goggles, gloves or earplugs. Workers at height have a so-called work book, in which the hours worked are recorded.