Course in excavator operation 

Excavator on road works

Our company has been organising and running specialised courses for years. Taking advantage of our services is a guarantee of obtaining authorisations to operate excavators and other construction machinery. Our staff are trained professionals who conduct classes in accordance with all examination requirements. 

About the course 

Classes are taught by trained specialists who provide theoretical and practical instruction. Our training is designed to fully prepare operators of excavators or other such machines for their work. The body issuing certificates of completion of the course is the Institute of Mechanised Construction and Rock Mining. 

Course programme 

Our excavator operator training programme consists of: 

  • learning about maintenance and fault detection, 
  • drawing up appropriate technical documents, 
  • knowledge of health and safety at work, 
  • preparing the workplace before and after work, 
  • knowledge of the skilful operation of the equipment, 
  • the principles of electrical and hydraulic engineering used by the excavator, 
  • the types of tools used, 
  • device design. 

IMBiGS examination 

Excavator removes sand

At the end of the training course, in order to obtain the licence, one has to take a state examination before a commission from the Institute of Mechanisation of Construction and Rock Mining. The exam consists of a theory test and a practical skills test. The person who passes the entire exam is allowed to become an operator. 

Post-course work 

After completing the excavator operator training course, a person with all the necessary qualifications will be able to find work, among other things: 

  • in construction, 
  • for renovations, 
  • for restoration work, 
  • for roadworks. 

Requirements for trainees  

Those wishing to undertake the training must:   

  • have at least a primary school education, 
  • be of full age,   
  • have a medical declaration that they do not have any contraindications to practise the profession. 

What is an excavator?

An excavator is a type of construction machine that mainly works with soil transformation. In other words, excavators are primarily concerned with removing unwanted soil from sites being prepared for construction or other works. In addition, excavators are used to move or remove other types of material such as gravel or sand. 

Excavator categories 

Excavators can be divided up in many different ways. In addition to basic components such as the operator's cab or the control system, the different types differ in terms of their specifications such as lifting capacity. Excavators are mainly distinguished by: 

  • drive,  
  • chassis type, 
  • operating mode. 
Excavator in the process of moving soil

The most important division, however, is, the division by application. These are excavators: 

  • Pre-business, 
  • backhoe, 
  • mini excavators, 
  • Collective, 
  • grippers. 

Equipment in the same category as excavators are loaders or backhoe loaders. Loaders have a basket at the front that only moves vertically, while excavators usually have an arm with a shovel at the end. 

Questions and answers

Do I need to pass an exam to pass the course?

The examination is primarily needed to obtain a permit to practice the profession. It takes place before a commission from the IMBiGS and consists of a theoretical and a practical part.

What requirements must be met prior to training?

There are three basic requirements: age of majority, medical certificate and primary education.