Courses for allowances up to 1 kV - G1, G2, G3

The ERGON Card Training Center invites you to a course, which is aimed at people who want to prepare to pass the exam before the SEP, PSE, SIMP and SITPS committees. We provide professional and comprehensive service. We have many years of experience in the implementation of classes that allow you to take the exam at entitlements in cathegories G1, G2 and G3 to work with various networks, installations and devices, as well as organized by PSE, SIMP, SITPS.

Our training courses prepare participants to pass examinations before SEP, PSE, SIMP, SITPS committees and are designed to combine theoretical knowledge and practice in the form of active exercises. Each course includes detailed information on the employee's duties, regulations, requirements Health and Safety. At the end of the class, participants are professionally prepared to take the exam before the certification boards.

Types of permissions:

  • G1 - power grids, installations and devices that generate, process and consume electricity
  • G2 - networks, installations and devices generating, processing, transmitting and consuming heat
  • G3 - gas networks, installations and devices producing, processing, transmitting, storing and consuming gaseous fuels

The course we organize prepares you to take exams before the following certification committees: SEP (Association of Polish Electrical Engineers), Polish Electrical Installation Association (PSE), Association of Food Industry Engineers and Technicians (SITPS or SITSpoż), Association of Polish Mechanical Engineers (SIMP).

Purpose of the training

Persons with appropriate electrical construction qualifications and those who work with other networks, installations and devices can take up employment in a profession that requires such qualifications.

We encourage you to familiarize yourself with our offer presented on the website. We organize open and closed training courses at the place and time indicated by the client. We offer the possibility to negotiate prices. If you have any additional questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

We cordially invite you to take advantage of our offer!

More information:

G1 (electric)


G2 (thermal)


G3 (gas)


G1, G2, G3, PSE, SIMP, SITPS exams


Permissions G1, G2, G3