Safety of forklift operation
The main objective of forklift courses is to learn how to properly operate the machine at the operator's workstation. In addition to information on the construction of the vehicle, its steering or handling of the load, each course includes information on health and safety. If the workplace is to include forklift trucks course is essential.
Forklift trucks must meet certain technical requirements in order to be approved for operation. The technical specifications of the machine can be found on the rating plate, which should be on each vehicle. In addition, the necessary information includes a load capacity diagram, which indicates the lifting height of the load and how the load is distributed on the forks.
In order to operate the device, the following are indispensable entitlements for forklift trucks. Certificates are issued by UDT Warsaw. In addition to these, it is necessary to undergo psycho-technical examinations and provide a certificate of no contraindications to work in the position.
Prohibited activities when operating a forklift:
- driving under the influence of drugs and alcohol and in other cases of indisposition
- use of the vehicle for purposes other than those for which it was intended
- overloading of the device
- rapid acceleration, braking and speeding
- transporting persons on forks
driving downhill on sloping surfaces in neutral gear or with the drive switched off
- leaving the vehicle with the engine running
- Driving without following the safety rules
- climbing hills and slopes other than those permitted in the technical data
- walking or standing under raised pitchforks
- leaving loads on raised forks
- moving the mast when cornering
- independent reworking of the device
- removal of safety covers
- impact of the vehicle against other objects
- driving the vehicle on unsuitable surfaces
- smoking and the use of open flames
- handling slippery shoes or hands
- operation without forklift licence